I am up this morning reflecting on the phenomenal antiracism leadership retreat that I led for the San Francisco Department of Public Health's Behavioral Health Services (BHS) executive cabinet, last week. The retreat was hosted and executed by a brilliant Black woman, #DirectorJessicaBrown Jessica Brown, Director of the Mental Health Services Act and the Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
#DirectorBrown has been doing this work for a number of years. She is one of the most committed, authentic, and tenacious individuals I have ever met. Her journey in this work as a Black, female, confident, assertive and strong leader (like so many of us) has not been easy, to say the least. Yet, she is showing up every day, #FightingForJustice and #DoingTheWork. I am thinking about and lifting-up my sister's path and will to our African ancestors, calling on them to continue to direct, lead, and guide her path as she continues to be the fierce leader that she has been called to be.
I am honored and grateful that our paths were able to cross yet again, and that we are on a collaborative journey to do some potentially powerful and transformational work!
Thank you to the BHS Cabinet, led by #DirectorHillaryKunins for showing-up, trusting and submitting yourselves to the process of individual and collective self-evaluation and examination. The antiracism journey and racial equity work is about truth, honor, authenticity, intentionality, and motivation. One has to assess their #RelationshipToWhiteness #RelationshipToAntiNonWhiteness #RelationshipToAntiBlackness before they can become an effective leader in this work.
Thank you again for your trust, partnership, and the opportunity to lead you through part of your antiracism leadership journey! I look forward to our continued work together and the path forward!
