On Wednesday, October 12th, 2023, I was honored to present at the #MayoClinicMedicalGrandRounds for the #DepartmentofPsychiatryandPsychology, at the campus headquarters in #RochesterMinnesota. The title of my presentation was #ReframingAntiBlackRacismandWhiteSupremacyasIllnesses. #Psychopathy #Sociopathy
I had the absolute best time with my colleagues. This experience is one that I will cherish always.
Thank you, #DrNickyKeeth, #DrMonicaTaylorMD, and #DrEmilyMcTateEmily McTate, Ph.D., and #DrDionneHart for your support and sponsorship of my research and scholarship in the field of White supremacy and anti-Blackness and their impacts on academia, science, and the medical industrial complex, historically into the present. Thank you, #DrJeffStaabMD for leading with integrity, leaning-in, and integrating non-White research perspectives and methodological approaches into the environment and discourse.
I was told that there were roughly 50-people in the audience at one point, and roughly 120 online, making it the highest attended Medical Grand Rounds for the year. This makes me very happy. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and work together.
I was able to see my really good friend and sister #DrAmySeegmillerRenner, who has also been such a phenomenal champion of my work. This was a highlight of my trip, too!
In addition, I was invited to be the keynote speaker for an upcoming American Psychiatric Association (APA) meeting/conference. I am meeting with the powers that be to discuss the particulars this afternoon. #StayTuned
