In solidarity for empowerment, liberation, and justice!
Explore the process of becoming anti-racist, bias mitigation and management; and ways to make your organization anti-racist, equitable, and inclusive.
What People Are Saying
“The biggest connection I have made is learning the history of how this country was made for white people (not by white people, because Black people built this country as much if not more) and for the sole elevation and economic progress of white people at the expense (and explicitly to the detriment) of Black people, as well as other POC, and how that led to the current state of racism in the US”.
“This has helped me understand that anti-Blackness was intentional and "baked" into American culture, and most importantly that it continues today. The idea that anti-Blackness was set up in all areas of government, education, and down to where Black people were permitted to live was, in my mind, something that happened in the past, and that "we don't do that anymore." But to understand that anti-Blackness is the very foundation of American society that has propelled white success has been the most eye-opening for me.”
“This training has very much solidified and expanded my knowledge that this government, American culture, and all above mentioned institutions are founded on white supremacy, racism, brutal abuse, and injustice and still are to current day without progress or meaningful change. This training definitely taught me so much more in regard to how white supremacy/racism also dictates nonphysical institutions.”